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10-Rules for Working in the Information Age

10-Rules is a 60-minute training program to enhance your company's cybersecurity.

Made possible by grants through the National Science Foundation, 10-Rules can increase your company's cybersecurity and significantly reduce your company’s risks and liabilities.

Computer & Information Abuse

"Every organization—large and small—must be prepared to respond to disruptive cyber activity." CISA

Inappropriate use of Email
Social Engineering
Computer Misuse
Software Piracy
Data Corruption

Complete Solution

10-Rules for Working in the Information Age is an ENJOYABLE, EFFECTIVE and AFFORDABLE solution for any size company. Rest assured that your company will be protected and that you will be sending a clear message to your clients and customers that you have taken PROACTIVE steps to safeguard their personal information.

Easy to Access and Manage

10-Rules can be accessed at any time from any place. That means employees do not have to take time from their jobs to complete the program. All enrollment and all tracking are done independently, so you do not have to allocate HR or IT resources.


10-Rules is humorous and engaging. The program will help employees understand and avoid issues that can get them and your company into trouble; like: inappropriate use of email, threats of social engineering, importance of data privacy and more . See 10-Rules topics below.

Affordable Price

Depending upon the size of your company, 10-Rules costs less than the price of a cup of coffee per employee.


Get 10-Rules for FREE!

For a limited time only, if your company becomes a sponsor of the 10-Rules for High School Program, then your company will receive the corporate version of 10-Rules for free.

Help today's students succeed in tomorrow's world. We are providing, free-of-charge, the student version of 10-Rules to all 18,000,000 High School students and teachers across America. Become a partner in this exciting program.

Learn More About the High School Program See Promotion